Sending Bulk Mail

Sending Bulk Mail

I want to give you a quick primer on sending email. So, here’s the straight skinny.

When someone sends you an email, your mail server accepts the message from the sender’s mail server, unless it has been blacklisted. So far, so good.

If you have a good spam service, it will confirm that the email was delivered from a server authorized to send email for that domain. This is the easiest way to tell if an email is spam. The Internet provides very simple ways to confirm: if the server is legit, the mail gets through. Done.

The take-away in this article is that YOUR MAIL SERVER must be properly authorized so your own emails are not deemed to be spam. This is a task that Quo Vadis takes care of for you. Not to worry. UNLESS… you are using a service to send bulk mail on your behalf. You MUST tell us! We’ll do the heavy lifting in the background, but we need to know what service you’re using (Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, etc.) so we can adjust your DNS SPF records. This will ensure your mail doesn’t get mistakenly marked as spam.

Why use a bulk mail sender? If you try to send out a marketing piece or a newsletter from Outlook, you’re almost guaranteed to raise red flags these days. Internet Service Providers (ISP) all over the planet are being pummeled by their constituents to halt the delivery of spam. They check all kinds of things.

  • Is your server authorized?
  • How many recipients are there?
  • How many messages are being sent per minute?

All these factors make it virtually impossible for the average Outlook user to send an “email blast” out to a congregation, client list, etc. For these tasks, the use of a valid, authorized bulk mail sender is crucial. Don’t try to do it yourself or you will end up getting blacklisted.